Monday, December 19, 2011

I just love Blake's smile!
Align Center
I hardly take pictures with my kids so here I am with Blake!


We went bowling last week for the first time since we've had kids. It was really fun! Austin even got a couple strikes! Before we even threw our first ball Austin high-tailed it down one of the bowling lanes. As we yelled at him to stop he slowed, slipped, and banged the back of his head on the lane. ouch! He had sooooooo much energy that day that this little hang up didn't slow him down a bit.

We went with out neighbors who have a little boy Austin's age. They had fun rolling around on the ground with their "pets".

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Z O O #2

We went to the Zoo again! Sorry if pictures of animals bore you, but we had a couple cool experiences this time I thought I would share. First one was with this pair of Gorillas. The male is farther back and the female is up here at the window. At one point she was pacing around the cage and ran right up to the window and smashed her body against it.

This big cat was pacing right up at the window. Austin was right up next to the glass watching it go back and forth. The tiger even went up on its hind legs and clawed the glass!
We spent a half hour or so by the bear eating lunch. We let Austin run back and forth for a bit. The bear paced back and forth on a rock ridge the entire time.
We even let Blake out of the stroller to get some closer looks.
The male Gorilla is huge! He even got up and walked around for a bit and Austin got a bit scared since he was right up at the glass. I would say we got our fill of the zoo that day.

We went in to feed the birds and Austin had a good time.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Big Boy Bed

We moved Austin to a big boy bed just over a month ago...He still falls asleep crying by the door. We usually here him yelling, "Help Me!" Which sadly, is hilarious to me. Poor guy. After he moved into his big boy bed he started waking up once a night, so we got smart and put him in his bed before we go to bed at night. We usually have to push him out of the way with the door first so we can get into his room.

Since most of the doors in our apartment don't shut we rigged up this lanyard system...It's hooked to another lanyard that's wrapped around the bathroom door that is right next to his door. Go Namifiers! (Take a good look at the lanyard...high quality right there)
He was soooooooo excited for his big boy bed. Hopefully someday he will sleep in it! I am soooooooooooooo happy Blake is in the crib now and out of our room. He now wakes up only once a night usually to eat and that has done wonders on my sleeping schedule!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


We went to the zoo the day before Thanksgiving and we couldn't have asked for better weather! Or happier kids.
Austin's hair is getting long! I already cut it last week though. I'll post a picture soon.

While I was feeding Blake, Austin got a special treat of riding in the horse carriage. We even put in a couple quarters so it moved!
The motion only lasted so long so he decided to ride the horse for real!
Austin has been obsessed with the Lion King lately. I think he actually recognized this animal as Timon once we told him because he did get really excited.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sick Week

I love their faces! Tyler got me flowers after I finished my 5K(Beginning of November) which I found out really was 3.4 miles long, so my time wasn't as bad as I thought it was! wahoo!

First off, Isn't that an adorable face??? He got wrapped up in his Teddy

Two weeks ago, Tyler was sick with a sore throat/cough for an entire week. The day he got better(just a cough), I got sick, and the next day, Austin got sick. 4 days after that Blake finally got sick. ugh! It's been a miserable week. I've had a sore throat now for 7 days and still counting. Maybe we should have gone to the doctor? ? ? We're all on the mend now. Not 100%, and Blake is still going up and down, but we're making it.

On another note...Our oven/stove has not been working since Tuesday. Which actually gives me an excuse for not making yummy dinners! We've had mostly pancakes...french toast...tuna fish...Thank heavens for my awesome electric skillet and george foreman!
Austin, I don't think that goes there...He loves putting on my chapstick. Probably another reason why we're all sick.

Blake had his first taste of baby food! and a 4 tries later I still don't think he's really swallowed any.

This post was really random but I kept accidentally deleting a picture and didn't want to reorder the entire thing. Enjoy!