Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Texas Ice!

Last Thursday we had freezing rain and a light snow on top that froze to the ice.  Work was cancelled for Tyler on Friday so we got to spend some quality time together. That quality time lasted allllll weekend since everything was shut down.  We even had church cancel on Sunday!  We definitely have been getting stir crazy, and I'm so thankful we have a big truck with 4-wheel drive so we could drive around on the ice just fine and get out of the house for a while on some of the days.  In Texas they don't even bother de-icing neighbors or even some of the main roads.  In fact they don't even use salt to melt the ice on the roads...just dirt...Many people couldn't even get out of their driveway.  Tyler went to Wal-mart and had to help 2 people get out of their parking spot since it was an ice rink.   When we drove around Saturday night there were cars here and there abandoned after getting stuck.  Truck drivers lined the highways and Interstates for the night since cars and trucks were stuck everywhere even on the slightest hills...

It was fun to see all the posts my friends had of their kids' sledding.  I didn't see a single sled, but I did see cookie sheets, cardboard, laundry baskets...etc...we used a boogy board.  

 This is a must see.  Tyler gives Austin too fast of a push on the sled toward our house and I dive in front of Austin to keep him from slamming into the brick...Both babies are safe!
 Tyler's explanation...

It was fun seeing the boys enjoy sledding so much!  We didn't even need that big of a hill to get them going fast on the ice/snow!

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